Washing Your Wig

Washing Your Wig

I advise washing your wig about every 30 wears. 

  1. Brush out any knots & remove any hair stuck in the combs or clips
  2. Hold wig by the part while you wash so that you don't lose the part's place
  3. Wet thoroughly, shampoo gently twice, & don't scrub skin part at the top of the wig
  4. Rinse & apply conditioner to bottom half of wig, never to the skin part
  5. Rinse completely so that all product is out of hair
  6. Light wring out the wig to remove excess water. Wrap the wig in a towel to dry for 15-20 minutes
  7. Remove the wig from the towel and brush through the hair
  8. If any tangles remain, spray with detangling spray and gently brush out
  9. Apply any product you are using (mousse, cream, etc.), put the wig on a wig head and wait to style till it’s completely dry
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