Wigs and Insurance
When hair loss is due to a diagnosed medical condition, many insurance companies will provide reimbursement.
Insurance coverage isn't limited to wigs for chemo-related hair loss!
Possible eligible conditions include: hair loss due to environmental changes, aging, stress, genetics, balding, Alopecia, kidney disease, thyroid disease or radiation.
Reimbursement Tips

CPT Codes
The CPT code for a wig is A9282. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes are used to submit your insurance claim for reimbursement for your wig.
Cranial Prosthesis
It's important to note that most insurers will refer to a wig for medical hair loss as a cranial prosthesis.
Contact Your Insurance Company
Before you go to the trouble of securing a presciption, call your insurer (or research their website) and find out what your policy covers.
Obtain the Written Policy
Make sure that you get a copy of the written policy that clearly spells out the details of your coverage.
When you see your doctor, ask her to document the official diagnosis for the condition that's causing your hair loss.
With your insurance company's specific requirements in mind, ask your doc for a prescription for a cranial prosthesis. Make sure that all the details required for processing your claim are included.
Specific Codes
Check the specific requirements the insurance company needs to process your claim: diagnostic codes, details to include in your doc's Rx, info that needs to be included in the receipt for your wig purchase, etc.
Submit for Reimbursement
Determine how your insurer wants your claim submitted. Gather your documents and ALWAYS make copies to retain before submitting.
If all goes well, you'll receive your reimbursement check in the mail!
Reimbursment through FSA, HSA or HRA?
Generally, yes! Wigs are eligible for reimbursement with flexible spending accounts (FSA), health savings accounts (HSA), and health reimbursement accounts (HRA) with a letter of medical necessity.
Need Help?
In need of additional information? Reach out to us and let us know how we can support you!